12 Benefits of Chia Seed for Body Health, Diet, Pregnant Mother, Child, Diabetes, etc.

Chia seed is a kind of grain that are small, originally derived and grown in the territory of Mexico and South America. Chia seed is said to be also a type of mint plant.

Chia seed is now already in Indonesia that serve organic food. As for taste, chia seeds have the taste rather bland.
Chia seed color assortment, such as black, gray, and there is also black with white patches.

In Indonesia, chia seed can be obtained at the supermarket, in addition there is a health food store that also sells chia seed.

content of chia seed quite a lot, such as fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and others. Here below is a list of nutrients chia seed based on information from the page Self.com , namely:
Fiber (11g - 42% RDA)
Protein (4.4g - 9% RDA)
Omega-3 fatty acids (4915 mg)
Omega-6 fatty acids (1620 mg)
Calcium (77 mg - 18% RDA)
Phosphorus (265 mg - 27% RDA)
Potassium (44.8 mg - 1% RDA)
Zinc (1.0 mg - 7% RDA)
Copper (0.1 mg - 3% RDA)

Consumption Benefits of Chia Seed

1. Help Lose Weight

The consumption of chia seed could be helpful to mnurunkan weight. Chia Seed generally used for sprinkling food and drinks. As in America, chia seeds are often used as a topping on top of yogurt, cereals, sauces, so also in rice.

Because it implies that are rich in fiber and protein, consumption of chia seeds can help to lose weight. Many health experts believe that chia seeds can help in dieting effort.

A study published in the International Journal of Food Science 2014 , the study was conducted by researchers from the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Yucatan, Mexico.

Results showed the presence of fiber in chia seeds, which have a function to absorb large amounts of water and can expand in the stomach to make a person feel full longer.

In addition, the fiber content also works to slow down the process of absorption of food. So you full longer after eating food. It is useful to help the success of your diet.

A study published in The British Journal of Nutrition in 2008 showed that the fiber content helps to lose weight. This study is to find out about
the effect of giving a mixture of soluble fiber on weight loss.
The study found that fiber provides satiety longer, lipid profile and glucose metabolism.

The study involved 200 patients who are overweight (obese). The results of the study, after 16 weeks of supplementation with soluble fiber foods in obese patients, there are known beneficial effects of fiber in the form of satiety longer, though not provide manfat significant weight loss.

Precisely the greatest benefit derived from fiber supplements are given to the patient is decreased the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) significantly.
In another study published in the International Journal of Obesity in 1984 found that consumption of fiber proven to help people lose weight and bad cholesterol (LDL).

Other benefits of consuming chia seed is of the proteins, which are useful to help limit the appetite that is not excessive.
Of course, that process is successful diet then it is important to exercise (such as jogging, cycling, etc.) regularly, at least do the exercise 4 times (each 30 minutes) a week.

2. For the Health and Beauty Skin

consumption of chia seeds health benefits and beauty of the skin. Chia seeds contain vitamin E, which is useful to make the skin smooth and youthful.

A study published in the Journal of Chromatography A , in which researchers from Mexico found that chia seeds have a total concentration of natural phenolic compounds (one type of antioxidant compounds). The function of antioxidant compounds to counteract and stop up to 70% of the bad effects of free radical activity.
The attack of free radicals is bad for skin health. The content of antioxidants contained in chia seeds also serves to optimize the regeneration and repair of the skin, and prevent damage to the skin.

In addition, the consumption of chia seeds is beneficial to prevent premature aging of the skin, such as emerging wrinkles, fine lines and others.
In the chia seed contains protein and omega 3 which is also useful to nourish the skin. Bermanfat consumption of chia seed to make the skin moist, prevent skin irritation, and help the healing process of skin cells and damaged tissues.

3. Overcoming Diabetes

Consumption of chia seed can be useful for controlling blood sugar levels stable. Too high blood sugar levels lead to many health problems. These foods can rely on to control blood sugar levels.

The content in chia seed work to reduce the problem of insulin resistance in the body. It is important to avoid and overcome the problem of diabetes.
From page Medicalnewstoday.com says that eating high-fiber intake is helpful to reduce the risk and symptoms of diabetes. Where the consumption of foods high in fiber helps to keep blood sugar in order to be stable (normal blood sugar levels).

Based on observations on the findings of several large studies, The National Institute of Medicine explained that the consumption of intake of 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. Chia seeds contain fiber in it.


Lowering Cholesterol to Prevent Heart Disease and Gynecology at the chia seed in the form of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids beneficial for lowering high cholesterol levels. Medicalnewstoday.com of pages, explaining that increasing fiber intake has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Recent studies have found that the fiber has a function in regulating the immune system and ward off inflammation problems. It is useful to avoid serious problems such as heart disease.
The content of omega-3 has an important role in the fight against heart disease. Research shows that omega-3 can reduce the risk of thrombosis and arrhythmia, in which it is a disorder that can trigger heart attacks and strokes.

The function of omega-3 that lowering levels of bad cholesterol, stabilize blood pressure, lowering triglyceride levels, reduce atherosclerotic plaque and improve endothelial function.

Some foods that are a source of plant-based omega-3 that chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and hempseeds.
On page Draxe.com mention chia seeds (chia seed) can overcome the problem of inflammation, as well as controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, it makes chia seed is very beneficial for heart health.
Omega-3 content useful to prevent inflammation and protect heart health. Inflammatory problems could result in a strain on the blood vessels that leads to heart disease. lowering triglyceride levels, reduce atherosclerotic plaque and improve endothelial function. Some foods that are a source of plant-based omega-3 that chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and hempseeds. On page Draxe.com mention chia seeds (chia seed) can overcome the problem of inflammation, as well as controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, it makes chia seed is very beneficial for heart health. Omega-3 content useful to prevent inflammation and protect heart health. Inflammatory problems could result in a strain on the blood vessels that leads to heart disease. lowering triglyceride levels, reduce atherosclerotic plaque and improve endothelial function. Some foods that are a source of plant-based omega-3 that chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and hempseeds. On page Draxe.commention chia seeds (chia seed) can overcome the problem of inflammation, as well as controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, it makes chia seed is very beneficial for heart health. Omega-3 content useful to prevent inflammation and protect heart health. Inflammatory problems could result in a strain on the blood vessels that leads to heart disease. walnuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and hempseeds. On page Draxe.com mention chia seeds (chia seed) can overcome the problem of inflammation, as well as controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, it makes chia seed is very beneficial for heart health. Omega-3 content useful to prevent inflammation and protect heart health. Inflammatory problems could result in a strain on the blood vessels that leads to heart disease. walnuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and hempseeds. On page Draxe.com mention chia seeds (chia seed) can overcome the problem of inflammation, as well as controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, it makes chia seed is very beneficial for heart health. Omega-3 content useful to prevent inflammation and protect heart health. Inflammatory problems could result in a strain on the blood vessels that leads to heart disease. Omega-3 content useful to prevent inflammation and protect heart health. Inflammatory problems could result in a strain on the blood vessels that leads to heart disease. Omega-3 content useful to prevent inflammation and protect heart health. Inflammatory problems could result in a strain on the blood vessels that leads to heart disease.

5. Maintain Digestive Health

Consumption sufficient fiber intake has an important benefit in preventing and helping cure constipation. It is important to ensure adequate intake of fiber which is sufficient for the needs of the body, because it has a vital role in maintaining the health of the body's digestive system.

Chia seeds have a high fiber content. The fiber content also plays a role in balancing insulin levels, balancing blood sugar and promotes bowel or digestive system.

In addition, the fiber in chia seeds (chia seed) were able to make a person feel full, because chia seeds will soon expand in the stomach after having just eaten.

So that the consumption of chia seeds prevents you consume food in excess, by helping suppress excessive appetite.

Overeating negative impact on the work of digestive system, eating fiber-rich chia seeds are beneficial for the body's digestive health and help you lose weight. It is based on the results of a study published European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010 .

The content of soluble fiber in chia seeds are also working to support the growth of probiotics in the gut, which is useful for digestive health.

6. Increase Energy (Power) for Life

you can eat chia seed in order to supplement energy for the body, it is because the content that is rife in the chia seed as omega-3, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants and calcium. So many who called chia seeds as a superfood for health.

The contents in calories for the body to function sebgai, where calorie is a source of power formation which is indispensable in everyday situations.
By doing so, chia seeds are highly nutritious energy booster in the body. Draxe.com of pages, citing a recent study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning.

The study found that consuming chia seeds can improve sports performance or exercise, even up to 90 minutes in length. Taking the intake of one serving of chia seed was able to increase the metabolism and even burn belly fat.


For the Treatment and Prevention of Cancer Generally, cancer treatment today is still using the methods of chemotherapy and other forms of medical treatment such. But, you can also leveraged the traditional materials are easily available and cheap hargnya the form of fruits, vegetables or foods rich in antioxidants, hurt only chia seed.

Nutrients found in chia seeds has properties that can nourish and heal. For those suffering from cancer, especially breast cancer and cervical cancer is recommended for frequent consumption of chia seed.

The content in chia seed acts as an anticoagulant which serves to inhibit blood clotting. Where the condition of the body is being hit by cancer then when it is undergoing a metabolic blockage problems, which is implicated in the occurrence of blood clotting problem.

Eating chia seeds in which there are many protein content of iron and useful to help avoid blood clotting problems, as well as beneficial to optimize the formation of red blood cells.

Free radical attack to be one the leading causes of the emergence of cancer. The influx of free radicals in the body prone to happen when a person live a healthy lifestyle such as drinking alcohol, smoking, eating junk food, are often exposed to air pollution and more.

Eating healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants, bermafaat to ward off attacks free radicals and prevent free radical damage to the body's cells are feared to trigger cancer.

Chia seed has its benefits as an antioxidant for the body, but it is also beneficial to ward off viral attacks. Where the development of virus in the body can lead to further vulnerability of cancer cells spreading.
The spread of cancer cells will invade many parts of the body, it is very dangerous. The existence of the virus in the body will also inhibit the function of the immune system.

Weakening condition endurance and slow metabolism, cause cancer cells can invade and spread rampant in many parts of the body. Consumption of nutritious chia seeds is important in reducing the impact of damage to body cells from cancer.

From an article titled Chia Seeds & Cancer , describes the studies that have found that chia seed oil have anti-cancer properties. So it is advisable to consult a doctor to use chia seeds as a natural remedy for healing and prevention of cancer.
A study published in the Journal of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids in July 2007 found that the oil of chia seeds has a function as an anti-cancer, especially to avoid the growth of cancer cells in the breast glandular tissue.

Oil from the seeds of chia work to reduce tumor growth and metastasis by inhibiting mitosis, where it is a replication of cancer cells.
However, many oil from chia seeds are alpha-linolenic acid content. In a study published in the "Journal of Nutrition" in 2004 revealed that eating foods high in alpha-linolenic acid can increase the risk of prostate cancer in men.

So that needs to be taken into consideration, the consumption of chia seeds in quantities too much actually be bad for health.

8. Maintain Healthy Bones and Teeth

In chia seed contains a very high calcium levels, higher levels of calcium contained in the skim milk. Regularly consume chia seed is very useful to overcome the problem of lack of calcium in the body.

The existence of calcium in the body is essential for maintaining the health and strength to bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis, maintaining the strength of the body joints, and helps improve the body's functions.

From page Allwomenstalk.com , states that one serving of chia seeds has 18% of the recommended daily intake for calcium. Calcium include mineral part which serves to maintain good bone health and also maintain oral health.

Other than that, In chia seed contains phosphorus, which is also a type of mineral serves to maintain strong bones and teeth. A serving of chia seeds meet 27% of the recommended daily value for phosphorus.
You can take advantage of chia seed meal to help prevent osteoporosis, which many strikes when someone entered a period of old age.

Draxe.com of pages, explaining that the content of zinc contained in chia seed is useful to help clean the plaque on the teeth and mouth, but it has an antibacterial effect which is used to kill germs that cause bad breath. The content of vitamin A and phosphorus also plays a role in maintaining oral health.

9. Help Clean Acne

In chia seed as zinc deposits may be useful to counter the problem of acne. Moreover chia seeds also contain omega 3 works to help moisturize the skin and make acne naturally deflated.

Omega-3 content also serves to prevent irritation to the skin and helps to optimize the healing process of acne scars. The protein works to repair skin cells damaged by acne.
As for the content of zinc has a function as an anti-aging (anti-aging) and helps prevent acne.

10. Disposal Process Optimizing Toxins from the Body

The benefits of chia seed can help the process of detoxification to remove the toxins and waste from the body through the process of perspiration, urination and defecation. Where the smooth process of defecation and urination is important.

Eating chia seed function so that the process can be irregular bowel movements, so that the toxins from the body can get out to the maximum. This is aided by the fiber in chia seeds are high enough. Eating chia seeds help to smooth digestion.

11. For Pregnant Women

Chia seeds are rich in nutrients such as fiber, protein, omega-3, antioxidants, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and vitamin B2 and vitamin B3 (niacin). Nutisi The content is highly needed by pregnant women. A serving of chia seeds as much as 15% meet daily protein requirements, and a third daily fiber needs for pregnant women.

From page Newhealthadvisor.com , explains that consuming chia seeds during pregnancy can be beneficial for infant development, in addition is also beneficial for pregnant women's own health.
Chia seeds rich in omega-3 benefits are very important for the health and brain development of babies in the womb. But it is important to remember, that the omega-3 content in chia seed (and vegetable crops in general) in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), so that pregnant women still need to consume foods such as fish to get DHA intake.

Maybe you do not know that chia seeds contain calcium as much as five times higher than milk, and calcium has an important function in the process of development of the fetal skeleton / baby, especially during the last trimester.
Chia seeds have an iron content. The function of this iron is required by red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body.

The adequacy of the fulfillment of the iron content is very important during pregnancy, in order to optimize the process of blood flow in the body, including the needs of babies in the womb itself.

Chia seed ingestion during pregnancy is beneficial to provide more energy for pregnant women, as well as to prevent the occurrence of diabetes and excessive weight gain.
The consumption of chia seeds can prevent or reduce cramps, especially in the legs. Besides preventing the risk of preterm labor.

12. For the Son of

Chia seed is recommended to be given to children because they are still growing, You can give low-fat milk or yogurt chia seeds are then inserted into it.

That way the child will gain more and more nutrients. It is very important for children's health, and serves to help improve children's intelligence naturally.

How to Eat Chia Seed:
Presentation of chia seeds can be made into the form of jelly (gelatin). You do this by dissolving 8 tablespoons chia seeds along with 2 cups of water, and stir well, and store in the refrigerator.
In addition, you can eat them in the form of jelly, jelly chia seeds can be added in the pudding or the salad dressing.
Chia seeds has a soft texture, which can be mixed with yogurt, cereals, vegetables, rice and also in some types of drinks.
You can take advantage of chia seed to put in juices.
Utilizing chia seeds can also spread it over the fruit that has been cut.
If soaking chia seeds with longer, it becomes higher nutritional content.

Important Things to Know in Chia Seed Eating

Food chia seed is binding water channel around the esophagus that can sometimes cause food did not run smoothly. Therefore, in consuming chia seed, chia seed you should chew until smooth ascertained before entry into the esophagus.

The consumption of chia seed can burn fat and suppress hunger, so that the consumption of chia seed is not recommended for those who have a thin body.

Excessive consumption of chia seed and rarely drink water, could potentially buildup in the stomach because it is difficult to digest, which could eventually lead to nausea and pain in the gut. That's because the chia seed has a very dense texture and chewy.

In some people,

anyone experienced muncuknya allergy after eating chia seed, in the form of an itchy rash red rash. It was due to their saturated fat content in chia seed.

The emergence of allergies are generally caused by the body assessed to refuse entry of foreign substances, which the body then automatically provide a response in the form of sending antibody which actually works for an antidote to disease.

It finally menimculkan form rash redness of the skin rash. So the rash is actually a response from the body that sends a message to someone that he was not suited to eating these foods.