The skin is the outermost layer of the body, which can be directly seen by naked eye. Skin color conditions are not the same between one part with other parts, is strongly influenced by the state of the skin pigment. In certain parts of the skin may appear darker or brighter than the surrounding skin. Skin that looks darker because of the increased skin pigment on the part. When the skin is long exposed to sunlight then this can cause an increase in skin pigment, this is an example of one cause.
This increased condition of the skin pigment is called hyperpigmentation. As if the skin condition looks faded or brighter skin than the surrounding skin, then this condition is called the hypopigmentation (reduction of skin pigment), or it can also called depigmentation that is the loss of skin pigment. In the condition of the occurrence of depigmentation (hypopigmentation) is what causes the skin to be seen the presence of white patches. Vitiligo disease causes skin color loss.
Vitiligo can benyerang any skin part of the body, can even attack parts such as the inside of the mouth, hair and eyes. How extensive and severity of vitiligo invade the skin is unpredictable. Under normal circumstances, the color of skin, hair, and eyes is determined by a pigment called melanin. As the condition of the body is attacked by vitiligo disease, then the cells that make up melanin stop functioning (the cells are damaged or dead). This then makes the formation of white patches on the skin, because melanin is unable to produce skin color. Not infrequently people call the appearance of white patches as a disease panu. This assumption is arguably mistaken, because there are so many things that cause the occurrence of white patches on the skin, not just a fungal infection causes panu.
Vitiligo is a long-term disease and can affect people of all ages, but in general vitiligo disease is experienced before 20 years of age. Although this disease can affect people with different skin colors, but in general the symptoms appear more clearly in people who have black skin. The form of the disease vitiligo actually there are two, the first comprehensive vitiligo disease that is attacking on both sides of the body. The second is the disease of vitiligo which only attacks on one side of the body only or certain parts of the body.
The most common type of vitiligo is a comprehensive type, with an estimated 90 percent of sufferers. Although vitiligo disease is not contagious and harmless, but this disease can cause pengidapnya become no less believe, so it can cause a sense of stress. Undertake vitiligo treatment so that the appearance of the skin can be good again, but it can not cure the disease completely.
Symptoms of Vitiligo In the sufferer, the disease of vitiligo can attack all parts of the body skin. The body part most often attacked vitiligo is the surface of the skin most often exposed to sunlight, namely the face, hands, feet, face, lips and neck
In addition vitiligo disease can also adversely affect the roots of the hair, which resulted in the appearance of gray hair on hair, beard, eyelashes and eyebrows. Symptoms of vitiligo disease is generally the presence of spots that initially colored younger than normal skin, after which turned into white. At the edges may be flushed and inflamed, but it can also potentially turn into brown. These patches can be permanent, which will be prone to sunburn. Although generally does not cause irritation or rash, but these vitiligo spots have the potential to cause itching.
When the patient experiences a change that is considered unnatural (not normal) on the skin, hair, Or eye it is highly recommended to visit a doctor. This is in order to obtain appropriate treatment in the early days of symptoms, so the condition of the disease has not been severe.
Causes of Vitiligo Disease The
condition of skin color of the body is strongly influenced by the condition of melanin pigment levels for the skin. These pigments are produced by skin cells called melanocytes. The condition in which the number of melanocytes is less in producing melanin for the skin, it will cause the occurrence of white patches, especially in the skin of the body.
Health experts have alleged some of the causes and risk factors of the occurrence of vitiligo disease, namely:
1. Mechanism of autoimmune diseases in the body.
Autoimmune disease is a disease that occurs due to the body's immune system system whose real job is to fight and attack bacteria and viral diseases, it attacks the body's healthy cells.
Occurs autoimmune because the immune system excessive reaction in recognizing the cells of his own body. Where the immune system mistakenly assess the healthy body cells that are regenerating are considered dangerous foreign objects such as bacteria, viruses and the like.
The occurrence of autoimmune vitiligo disease, which is where the immune system actually attacks skin pigment cells (melanocytes) that cause skin pigment to be damaged. This condition causes the skin very lack of melanocytes which eventually the skin becomes visible faded color.
The onset of autoimmune problems can not be explained with certainty. However, it is allegedly the cause of autoimmune due to genetic factors / heredity.
Condition of Skin Pigment Not Perfect In some people affected by the problem of vitiligo known that the condition of their skin pigment cells condition is not perfect. This condition is closely related to genetic factors. Pigmented skin pigment cells (imperfect) will be very susceptible to damage, which eventually occurs the problem of loss of skin pigment cells.
3. Free Radical Attacks Free
radicals are substances that attack and cause damage to the cells of the human body. Frequent and long-term exposure to free radicals such as exposure to secondhand smoke, chemicals to pesticides, to UV radiation, has a detrimental effect on the skin.
Free radicals attack the skin pigment cells that ultimately damage skin pigment cells, So the skin loses its pigment which eventually trigger vitiligo disease.
4. Emotional Factors Emotional
condition of the soul (not able to control emotions) so easily angry, often stressed and sad, then this condition can increase the risk of vitiligo disease. To minimize the adverse effects of vitiligo disease then avoid the name of many thoughts, stress, anger, sadness and such.
5. Skin Conditions Experienced Damage
The cause of the emergence of vitiligo problems can also because the skin has been damaged before. As for things that make the skin damaged as it is often exposed to sun exposure, exposed to side effects of the use of certain chemical creams, tekena exposure to hazardous chemicals and other causes.
Autotoxic Autotoxic is a condition of entering toxic substances into the body which can consequently damage the quality of melanocytes to produce melanin. Which eventually trigger vitiligo disease.
The body can be entered various chemicals that vary, it can come from food consumed. Some types of chemicals such as norepinephrine can be toxic to melanocytes, which inhibits melanin production.
Problems like having burns or unstable psychological conditions, can also trigger this disease to develop quickly. Diagnosis of Vitiligo Disease Diagnosis of this disease is usually by doing a physical examination by a doctor. Some things that will likely be asked by a doctor, namely: It can come from food consumed.Some types of chemicals such as norepinephrine can be toxic to melanocytes, which inhibits melanin production. Problems like having burns or unstable psychological conditions, can also trigger this disease to develop quickly. Diagnosis of Vitiligo Disease Diagnosis of this disease is usually by doing a physical examination by a doctor. Some things that will likely be asked by a doctor, namely: It can come from food consumed. Some types of chemicals such as norepinephrine can be toxic to melanocytes, which inhibits melanin production. Problems like having burns or unstable psychological conditions, can also trigger this disease to develop quickly. Diagnosis of Vitiligo Disease Diagnosis of this disease is usually by doing a physical examination by a doctor. Some things that will likely be asked by a doctor, namely: Diagnosis of Vitiligo Disease Diagnosis of this disease is usually by doing a physical examination by a doctor. Some things that will likely be asked by a doctor, namely: Diagnosis of Vitiligo Disease Diagnosis of this disease is usually by doing a physical examination by a doctor. Some things that will likely be asked by a doctor, namely:
About the history of vitiligo in the family, whether there are family members (including uncle-aunt and grandparents) are also exposed to the disease vitiligo.
History of autoimmune diseases in the family.
Is there a history of trauma to the skin affected by vitiligo, like any other severe skin disease in that part, the skin of the part is sunburned and others.
Is there a certain part of the skin that can improve without the need for therapy, and vice versa actually worsened if not done therapy.
What treatment has been done so far.
Is there a particular part of the skin that is more sensitive when exposed to sunlight and more sunburn.
Doctors in determining the diagnosis will then perform some form of examination, which later the doctor will provide recommendations for some types of examination. One of them is a skin examination that memalai ultraviolet lights.
In the process of this examination then the patient asked to enter into a dark room, later there is a light that is placed at a distance of about 10 cm from the patient's skin. Vitiligo patches will become very easily visible under ultraviolet light exposure.
With this examination aims to ascertain whether the patient is suffering from the disease vitiligo, or just have other skin diseases such as panu.
Other forms of examination that doctors may recommend are blood tests,
Globally, the disease of vitiligo is experienced by 1-2% of the world's population, the disease begins to become apparent when a person turns 20 years of age. Vitiligo disease is progressive, where if the patient is late or not immediately handle it, then the disease can continue to develop rapidly vitiligo, can even grow to almost all parts of the body if not handled.
Taking Skin Samples
In order for the diagnosis of vitiligo is not wrong with other types of diseases, where there are other skin diseases that cause symptoms of white patches. One of the diagnoses is by taking a skin sample, which is exactly on the white patch, and then will be examined as a sample.
Samples of white patches on the skin are examined under a microscope, to find out whether there is a reduced or missing pigment skin cell.
This diagnosis is done in order to ensure that white patches arise due to vitiligo, not because of disease or other fungal infections.
Once the diagnosis results are known that it is a disease of vitiligo, then treatment should be done immediately because the disease of vitiligo can extend throughout the body, Which causes the sufferer to become unconfident with his appearance.
But please note, that the disease of vitiligo is not a type of disease that is transmitted from one human to another.
Vitiligo Treatment
Steps of vitiligo treatment to improve the condition of skin appearance, by making the skin color can be back to normal like when healthy. But the benefits of therapy generally only provide benefits that are only temporary where therapy can not guarantee to be able to kill the spread of vitiligo disease completely.
It is recommended to use sunscreen. When the sun's rays sting the skin then the skin will begin to produce melanin to its utmost usefulness to protect the skin from the dangers of ultraviolet rays.
However, The condition of people affected by vitiligo only has a few levels of melanin alias is not sufficient, this causes the skin becomes unable to be protected from the sun. With so strongly recommended to avoid this problem to wear sunscreen SPF 30 or more, the use of sunscreen is to prevent the occurrence of damage to the skin.
In addition, patients can use a cream that works to create the equivalent skin color, so the patches on the skin can be disguised. This "camouflage" cream has a waterproof ability, so even though the skin is exposed to water but the patches of vitiligo can still be disguised.
Such products that can be used to overcome the problem of patches are skin darkening lotion products, often called tanning lotions.
Vitiligo disease can be done by performing medical procedures at the hospital, but performing medical procedures will usually provide certain side effects. This is what makes doctors in the first step of handling vitiligo prioritize or recommend to use body care products.
If the use of tube care products does not produce satisfactory results, then the doctor decided to take other handling measures.
As a notice, undergoing medical treatment steps will also take a considerable amount of time to feel the effectiveness of the results, so that it can not deliver instant or fast results. Therefore, the vitiligo pederita must have patience and also avoid the nonsense or useless thoughts.
Find a doctor who knows how to treat vitiligo. Doctors in addition to working in the treatment business, should also be a good listener and able to provide moral support for patients.
Below are some of the medical procedures that doctors perform in the treatment of vitiligo diseases:
Special OTC Drug Recommendations By Doctors
Doctors generally recommend the type of topical medication to treat vitiligo disease. Several types of drugs that may be recommended are corticosteroids, depigmentation lotions, and pimecrolimus or tacrolimus.
Corticosteroid ointment (cream) is prescribed by a doctor for people with vitiligo who only have patches on certain parts of the body, or have patches on a small part of his body. The use of corticosteroid ointment is not applicable to the face, other than that this corticosteroid ointment should not be used by pregnant women.
Use of the type of corticosteroid ointment provides the impact of the appearance of streaks on the skin (stretch marks), the occurrence of inflammation of the skin, and the skin becomes thinner. So in the use of this ointment, the doctor will continue to pay attention to the symptoms it produces periodically.
Types of topical medications that can also be used are tacrolimus and pimecrolimus. Where the two types of topical medicines are commonly used in an effort to cure eczema that makes itching.
Side effects from the use of topical drugs such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus type of inflammation, The skin becomes very sensitive from exposure to sunlight and arises pain or burning sensation in the skin.
For vitiligo patients who experience white patches in most of the body, then the thing that can be done to overcome them is to do depigmentation therapy, that is by applying lotion that has hydroquinone content.
Later the content of hydroquinone is working to melunturkan normal skin pigment, so the color will approach the spots of vitiligo. This makes the patches of vitiligo become more disguised.
Performing skin depigmentation will provide side effects of skin condition of the body to have no natural protection from sunlight. Other side effects that are likely to cause pain, itching,
Analog vitamin D
The important thing is always remembered by vitiligo patients that try not to get too exposed to direct sunlight, it is because it can cause damage to the skin. In fact, vitamin D is an important source for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.
Therefore, patients with vitiligo will greatly require the intake of vitamin D supplements, so that the body's need for vitamin D to be met properly.
Use of vitamin D supplements like this can be consumed while you are also in the period of taking phototherapy drugs or corticosteroids.
Light therapy (Phototherapy)
This medical step is likely taken by the doctor when the condition of patches on vitiligo sufferers have been severe enough, or the spots have spread widely in many parts of the body, So to overcome it does not work to be treated only with topical medication.
This method of therapy, the way is by using ultraviolet light A (UVA) or B (UVB) whose purpose is to restore skin color that has been attacked by vitiligo.
It's just doing this medical step is not without side effects, the body is exposed to UVA Exposure is very much feared could increase the risk of skin cancer.
And by doing UVB exposure, where the usefulness of doing UVB exposure in the body is to reduce the risk of cancer resulting from UVA exposure.
Laser Therapy
This medical step also aims to restore skin color from the attack of patches of vitiligo. The medical step of laser therapy is similar to light therapy (phototherapy), Just the difference if laser therapy is done only to overcome vitiligo that attacks a small part of the body skin.
Skin grafting surgery
In this medical procedure, where later healthy skin of the body part that does not experience vitiligo will be taken, then used to coat the affected skin patches.
This surgery step is taken if the condition of vitiligo patches only about a small part of the body, as well as vitiligo disease does not develop into other parts.
With this method, it is desirable to successfully cure vitiligo, where later skin pigment cells will naturally grow by itself in the new area.
Food and Vitamins for Vitiligo Patients
From the "Ask a Doctor" page in Alodokter. Com , one asked more or less: "What foods should and should not be consumed by Vitiligo patients? Is it true that taking Vitamin B complex and Folic Acid can help repigmentation?
Then dr. Lina Saleh answers this question, that there are no special restrictions or restrictions or special advice on certain foods in vitiligo patients.
In addition, there is no known health professional explanation about the benefits of vitamin E and Vitamin C in vitiligo patients.
As for intake such as folic acid and vitamin B12 in some research is said to have the potential to help the process of pigmentation, so taking intake that has the content of folic acid and vitamin B12 is recommended for people with vitiligo.
Dr. Adithia Kwee on the Q & A FAQ page. Com explains that there is no food taboo for vitiligo sufferers, because the disease of vitiligo is a disorder caused by pigment, and it has no effect with food intake.
But in general of course someone should eat healthy foods, in the form of vegetables, fruits, protein-rich foods, fiber-rich foods and other types of healthy foods Other
Important Things For Vitiligo Patients
Use Protector From Sunlight
Avoid prolonged exposure Direct sunlight. For vitiligo patients it is advisable to use sunscreen lotion, with SPF 8-15 for dark skin and SPF 15-30 for whites. The benefit is to protect the skin against UVA and UVB, Where patients will get protection from sunlight that could endanger the condition of the disease.
Use Cosmetics As Closing
If white spots appear on the skin then one way to overcome that is by using a cosmetic product that can cover the problematic area, so with the use of these products can minimize the color difference in the skin. In other words the use of cosmetic products hides white patches on the skin.
Protect Skin From Wounds
Vitiligo sufferers should pay attention to skin protection from wounds. That's because a small wound or abrasion on the skin is feared can lead to pain that is quite sick, can even potentially cause bleeding, Otherwise it may increase the risk of rapid spread of vitiligo in the affected part of the body.
PUVA Treatment
This is one form of home remedies that must be with doctor's guidance, namely psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy. The physician in advising will make the right dose of light adjustment.
Treatment therapy is generally done two or three times a week. But this therapy should not be done in children because it can cause the impact of cataract disease on the eyes.
The chemicals used in this therapy will react with ultraviolet light, which aims to reduce white patches on the skin (from both elements). This treatment therapy takes a lot of time, So do not expect instant results from this therapy.
Complications of Vitiligo Disease
If the sufferer does not deal with vitiligo disease properly, the disease can continue to develop, can even cause complications of sunburn, eye problems, inflammation of the iris (iritis), hearing loss and skin cancer.
Vitiligo In Children
The common cause of the occurrence of vitiligo in children is due to genetic factors. A scientist named Dr. Rajesh Shah. MD has made an observation about this, by conducting a study in Life Force.
The result of vitiligo childhood patients generally have family members (such as siblings, parents, grandparents, uncles or aunts) who have a disease of vitiligo, diabetes, Hypothyroidism, cancer, anemia and alopecia areata.
The form of symptoms of vitiligo in children is the appearance of patches of color younger than normal skin, which after it gradually became white, these patches generally appear on areas of the body are often exposed to direct sunlight. Other parts that are also susceptible to vitiligo is the area around the mouth, around the armpits or groin, eyes, navel and nostrils, navel.
Parents' Actions Against Children Diagnosed Vitiligo
When parents know their children are diagnosed with vitiligo, then of course parents will feel shocked, or maybe can experience shock. The first thing a parent should do is to instill confidence in the child.
And also parents should motivate the child to always be energetic and enthusiastic in living this life. Here's a guide for parents who have children who have vitiligo:
1. Accept an existing situation, where if the parent receives with a broad chest of illness suffered by a child, then this can make it easier for your child to be able to live life with good.
2. Parents do not need to be too protective to try to hide the spots of child vitiligo, it's because children usually have a sharp feeling and tend to be sensitive.
If parents are too pushy for children to wear clothing too closed, then it actually causes the feeling of inferiority in the child. Let the children choose their clothes.
3. Parents do not need excessive examination of childhood diseases. If too often in checking the condition of childhood illness, this will actually cause anxiety in children, especially if the parents also participate nervous when seeing the disease of his son.
It is recommended and very good that parents should check the condition of the child's illness when the child is asleep.