Causes of Early Menopause And How To Prevent It (Symptoms of Menopause)

Menopause is a state that is actually normal (natural), where this condition will be experienced by every woman, this is not a medical disorder or disease. Menopause is simply the condition of a woman with no menstrual period for 12 months. menopause can be said a period of the end of the menstrual cycle in women, along with the aging process then all women will experience the name menopause.
The condition of menopause when the ovary function of a woman stops. Ovaries or ovaries are part of the female reproductive gland.
The ovaries are in the pelvis, on each side of the uterus. Ovarian function works to produce eggs (ovum), and also produce female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen.

Simply put, the occurrence of menopause is when the condition of the ovaries no longer work to release eggs.
Ovaries have an important function in producing female hormones, and also function in the development of female body characteristics.
The hormones produced from this ovary work to control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in a woman.

The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs. And also produce female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen.

Simply put, the occurrence of menopause is when the condition of the ovaries no longer work to release eggs. Ovaries have an important function in producing female hormones, and also function in the development of female body characteristics. The hormones produced from this ovary work to control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in a woman. The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones.

So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs. And also produce female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. Simply put, the occurrence of menopause is when the condition of the ovaries no longer work to release eggs. Ovaries have an important function in producing female hormones, and also function in the development of female body characteristics.

The hormones produced from this ovary work to control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in a woman. The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs. Simply put, the occurrence of menopause is when the condition of the ovaries no longer work to release eggs. Ovaries have an important function in producing female hormones, and also function in the development of female body characteristics.

The hormones produced from this ovary work to control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in a woman. The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs. Simply put, the occurrence of menopause is when the condition of the ovaries no longer work to release eggs. Ovaries have an important function in producing female hormones, and also function in the development of female body characteristics.

The hormones produced from this ovary work to control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in a woman. The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs. Ovaries have an important function in producing female hormones, and also function in the development of female body characteristics. The hormones produced from this ovary work to control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in a woman.

The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs. Ovaries have an important function in producing female hormones, and also function in the development of female body characteristics. The hormones produced from this ovary work to control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in a woman.

The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs. The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs.

The hormone estrogen has an important function in protecting bones. So this is what causes a woman can get osteoporosis (bone loss problem), because the ovaries no longer work with the maximum to produce the hormone estrogen sufficient for the needs.

Age of Women Who Have Menopause Generally, the age of women entering menopause is around 51 years. Although it can not be ascertained when a woman enters menopause.

Most menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but menopause can occur early as about 40 years, or it may be longer in women in their 60s. To remember menopause is a normal and natural thing. But there are women who turn out to experience early menopause.

Menopause that occurs at age 40 and below is referred to as early menopause.

Symptoms and Indications of Menopause

Usually those in women who start entering the menopause experience a different thing, namely the emergence of warm feeling in the body, where the warm feeling suddenly spread to the upper body, which baisanya also bring the effect of sweaty skin and red.

The appearance of this feeling lasted for only a few minutes. With different intensity in every woman. Some other symptoms of women who start entering menopause, namely:
The occurrence of changes in the menstrual cycle, such as experiencing irregular menstrual periods and the volume of bleeding a little or too much.
The body is easily tired.
Feelings or moods become very volatile.
Have trouble sleeping, or often awaken suddenly at night.
Sweating at night.
Vulnerable to stress, depression, moodiness, sadness, emotion and the like.
Significant reduction in sexual arousal.
The heart beats quickly.
There was an unusual sense of heat and sweating.
Difficulty concentrating.
Have headaches and migraines.
Appears pain in muscles and joints are less reasonable cause.
Having problems with bladder control.
The vagina is dry and less elastic, it occurs due to depletion of the vulvar, cervical and vaginal tissues. Drought in the vagina can cause itching or pain during intercourse.
Libodo declined.
Hair that tends to thin out.
The body is more susceptible to urinary tract infections.
Weight increases,
Slow body metabolism.

Not all women have the same symptoms and menopause processes. Where not all women will experience all the symptoms of menopause.

The process of menopause is usually characterized by the occurrence of menstruation that will end in stages. Where the menstrual frequency will be less frequent, until finally menstruation will stop altogether.
Besides, that does not close the possibility of menstrual cycle can end abruptly. In these circumstances the symptoms usually appear to be more severe than women who experience the gradual cessation of menstrual cycles.
It is advisable to contact your doctor when you experience symptoms of menopause that are quite severe, such as the appearance of pain or an infection due to a dry vaginal condition, Bleeding after a menopause, and other unusual signs or conditions.

Menopause basically does not require special handling. Besides the symptoms are also not permanent, where the symptoms will be reduced even disappear in part with the passage of time.
You can make lifestyle changes that are healthier in order to reduce those symptoms. You just need to apply simple things, such as applying a healthy and balanced diet. It is recommended to increase fiber intake as eating lots of vegetables and fruit.

Drink plenty of water and also do regular exercise regularly. Exercise aims to make the body fit, healthy and prevent weight gain in a significant manner menignal menopause, In addition to regular exercise is also useful in order to maintain strength and bone health, so the bones are not easily porous.
To cope with the appearance of symptoms such as easy sweating, heat pda feeling, and heart feels pounding, then you can overcome it by using a thin clothing made of cotton. Also limit the consumption of caffeine, spicy foods, hot drinks, liquor and avoid stress.

Then make sure you have enough rest in each day. Make sure to sleep at night is enough, otherwise it is advised to take a nap for 30 minutes. Causes of Early Menopause The hot feeling pda body, and heart feels pounding, then you can overcome it by using a thin clothing made of cotton. Also limit the consumption of caffeine, spicy foods, hot drinks, liquor and avoid stress. Then make sure you have enough rest in each day. Make sure to sleep at night is enough, otherwise it is advised to take a nap for 30 minutes. Causes of Early Menopause The hot feeling pda body, and heart feels pounding, then you can overcome it by using a thin clothing made of cotton. Also limit the consumption of caffeine, spicy foods, hot drinks, liquor and avoid stress. Then make sure you have enough rest in each day. Make sure to sleep at night is enough, otherwise it is advised to take a nap for 30 minutes. Causes of Early Menopause Otherwise it is advised to take a nap for 30 minutes. Causes of Early Menopause Otherwise it is advised to take a nap for 30 minutes.

Causes of Early Menopause

In addition to natural phases, there are several things that can trigger menopause more quickly occur. Here are some risk factors for early menopause:

1. Genetic Factors

Researchers believe that menopausal age of a woman, has a genetic link. That is, a girl will start a period of menopause whose time is not much different from her mother when menopause first.

When a mother experiences premature menopause, her daughter will also be at high risk for early menopause.

2. Radiation and Chemotherapy Therapy

To treat cancer or other diseases that use radiation therapy or chemotherapy methods in the pelvic area, this can lead to increased risk of early menopause.

Treatment with radiation therapy on the part of the body around the pelvis can cause interference with ovarian function.

3. Surgical or Surgical Measures If a woman undergoes surgery to remove the ovary due to a disease or a particular problem, then this gives side effects of early menopause risk.

4. Smoking Habits Smoking habits are commonly known to provide health hazards, including also can increase the risk of premature menopause in women. Some studies have found that women who smoke will generally experience menopause faster than women who do not smoke.And in general of course cigarettes is the main cause of the emergence of many dangerous diseases.

5. Obesity The condition of a fat body in a woman, causing the possibility of estrogen can be stored in fat tissue, this condition is not good because it can trigger early menopause.

6. Many Minds and Stress Often think too hard, a lot of thoughts, stress, or stress can trigger the risk of early menopause.

The occurrence of menopause can be due to the imbalance of hormones due to stress and many thoughts, which also result in irregular and irregular menstruation.

7. Often Masturbate Often masturbation can actually result in the risk of premature menopause in a woman. Doing it is very fun for women, because it can reach the peak of pleasure, although doing it using sex aids. But if too often, it can lead to a higher addiction effect to do again, and this is not good. Another impact of too frequent masturbation that can lead to health problems such as fatigue and pain in the pelvis.

8. Lazy Do Sports Lack of exercise activity can also lead to premature menopause. Sports activities will be able to nourish the body, and will facilitate the beneficial hormones in the body. The lack of exercise activity can cause the release and work of hormones in the body to be inhibited.

9. Lack of Eating Antioxidant Intake Lack of antioxidant intake causes problems for the body's health as it primarily makes the body immune, Including can also be at risk of early menopause in women. If a woman is eating unhealthy foods like fast food, junk food and other types of food that have few nutrients, the impact will result in slow metabolism, hormonal imbalance and weakening of the body's immune system.

10. Chronic disease Chronic disease can trigger early menopause. In addition, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner syndrome can increase the risk of women exposed to early menopause. Perform cancer treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Both methods can lead to an increased risk of premature menopause in a woman. Similarly, women undergoing medical procedures in the form of surgical removal of the uterus or ovary will be susceptible to early menopause problems.

11. Activity Factors Women who are not yet married and too busy to work is a bad thing, because it can make menopause faster. Women should get married immediately and limit work activities (work moderately), avoid doing office work and so on that are too heavy or that provide severe psychological pressure.

How To Prevent Early Menopause

1. Adequate Resting Should sleep a reasonable night on a daily basis, a sufficient night sleep time is between 6-8 hours. By having enough sleep is very useful in order to increase production of the hormone estrogen in the female body.

2. Lifestyle and Healthy DietWhen entering the menopause, then generally the body will be easier to accumulate fat. So it is important to pay more attention to this during menopause, start to limit the consumption of sugar, karein, fat, flour, spicy food and salt. What needs to be done is to increase fiber intake, you are advised to consume green vegetables, wheat and foods rich in omega-

3. In addition, also meet the needs of calcium. Avoid or limit as much as possible exposure to chemicals that are at risk of entering and nesting in the body. Whether it's from drinks, food, makeup, bath soap.

3. Avoid Fast Food

Fast food in it contain low nutrients and unbalanced, besides fast food in it contain high cholesterol content. Eating a lot of cholesterol intake will adversely affect the production of estrogen hormones.

4. Avoid Cigarettes (Both As Active and Passive Smokers)

Whether the active smokers or passive smokers experience the impact of danger to the heart's organs and cause cancer. The content of nicotine in the cigarette also has a negative effect of shutting down the egg. This condition eventually leads to early menopause.

According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, explaining that smoking can trigger premature menopause. Chemical content in the form of nicotine, cyanide, And carbon monoxide has an adverse effect of accelerating the rate of egg loss.

5. Manage Stress

It is important to avoid stress, because stress conditions can trigger early menopause. Keep your mind in order to avoid stress, by having a quiet life then you can be more avoided from stress.

6. Hormone Therapy

When problems arise in the form of premature ovarian failure, hormone therapy (HRT) becomes a good cuukp method. However, hormone therapy is not used as an initial solution, it is because of the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and breast cancer. Therefore, it is important to have an intensive consultation with your doctor about the possible risks of this therapy.

7. Do not Drink Alcohol Consuming alcoholic beverages can have an impact on early menopause. Consume alcohol will cut the calcium in the body. Steer clear of alcoholic drinks is a very important thing in order to prevent premature menopause.

Alcohol consumption can also lower a woman's fertility, cause anxiety and make sleep difficult.

8. Important To Know All Risk Factors

Sherry Ross, MD, of the Providence Saint John Health Center, Santa Monica, explains that a woman needs to pay attention to risk factors of self-menopause. Pay close attention to the genetic history of the family, ask your mother when she started entering menopause first.

Other than that, Other risk factors of early menopause include having too lean or overweight conditions, long smoking habits, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, autoimmune disease, and epilepsy.
These factors are generally not dpat to change, except on weight factors and smoking habits that need to be removed.

9. Exercise But Do not Overdo

Exercise becomes a very important in order to prevent premature menopause. By exercising the body will be better in regulating hormones and also prevent the buildup of fat in the body.

However, exercise should not be done excessively, because the effect it makes hormone imbalance, which eventually lead to irregular ovulation. This condition can cause the risk of early hormonal depletion.

10. Consumption of Phytoestrogens Intake

Before menopause, the condition of women experiencing low estrogen levels, so that by eating foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soybeans, wheat grains, nuts, walnuts, melons, papaya, and sesame seeds , Eat them useful to avoid early menopause.

11. Consumption of foods rich in antioxidants

The content of antioxidant compounds have an important function in preventing premature aging. Where menopause is a sign of aging on the body as a whole. For women it is advisable to meet the intake of antioxidant-rich such as carrots, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, peppers, broccoli, olive oil, And beans.

Medical Treatment Steps For Disruptive Menopausal Symptoms
Not all women can smoothly pass through the symptoms of menopause that arise simply by performing simple anticipatory measures. When experiencing severe menopausal symptoms, where the condition causes daily routine to be unable to walk, then the doctor will usually prescribe drugs to overcome or minimize the disturbing symptoms that arise.

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the most frequent methods of menopausal treatment, where it has a fairly high effectiveness. The medicines of this therapy are available from various forms such as tablets, patches, gels, creams, and implants.

The benefits derived from this therapy in addition to minimize the effects of menopausal symptoms, can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis in the long term therapy.
Doing this therapy is of course with recommendations from health experts or doctors. Then the use of these therapeutic drugs can be stopped little by little when the symptoms of menopause no longer exist.
Usually, the duration of menopausal symptoms experienced by a woman is for 4 years (approximately) after the last menstrual period.

In addition to hormone replacement therapy, There are other forms of treatment performed in reducing the symptoms of menopause that make uncomfortable (interfere) that is the use of drugs clonidine (one of antihypertensive drugs) or certain antidepressant drugs that serve to suppress the impact of symptoms of the heart often pounding unnatural, often appear sweat, A sense of heat in the body, and sweating in the cold night.